The Total Leader® Solution

Decades of research and observations assert that better-lead companies are performing better, and leadership is a central force for succeeding in a changing world. Leaders and organizations, however, are facing unprecedented change. The rate and speed of change in everything surrounding leaders and organizations are becoming very fast, like never before. From disruptive technologies of the digital age, global socioeconomic crises, geopolitical tensions, climate changes, and the list goes on!

To meet these challenges, respond to them, and remain competitive, grow, innovate, succeed, and stay fit for the future in a sustainable way, the way how Leaders and organization work has to change. That’s why we developed the Total Leader® Solution.

The Total Leader® Solutions is a dynamic, transformative, and well-proven leadership development Solution resulting from our 50+ years of experience, continuous research and development based on the feedback from more than 200,000 of our clients in more than 80 countries across the globe.

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The three fundamental principles at the core of our transformative leadership development approach:

1 – Develop leaders at every level of the organisation

The first principle is that for organizations and businesses to succeed in the 21st century and remain future-fit, they must develop leaders throughout their entire organization. Leadership is no longer a position or title but a process that every person at every level must practice.

2 – Employ a complete transformative process

The second principle is that for leadership development to be effective, it must employ a complete, integrated, and transformative total leadership development and change process that focuses on sustainable behavior change. Leadership development is not an event, a project, or a program. Truly effective leadership development is a continuous, ongoing, lifelong process. It has also to be well integrated in the organization context and in people’s lives.

3 – Take a human-centred approach

The third principle is that leadership development has to be human-centered and has to address the leader as a whole person, from the inside-out. This is what we call the “Total Person®” Approach. For organizations and businesses to succeed in the information and digital economy, and beyond, It is imperative to have a mindset shift of the old management paradigm and narrative of the industrial age that people are “cogs” in a machine “organization” or the are just “assets” as other “assets” and to adopt a People-First mindset.

Building on these three principles, our Total Leader® Solution comprises four leadership development journeys designed to transform leaders in four essential areas that enable the to become truly effective business Total Leaders and to flourish as Total Persons. Every journey is a program in itself. Combined, they represent what is needed to transform leaders, leadership teams, and organizations from the inside out to face their challenges and reach higher levels of sustainable success.

To find out more about how we can help develop the leadership qualities of you and your team.